How Image-based anticipation* scores can help your business – a use case
There are many elements involved in the decision about how and where to market a new product, or even more profoundly, about the decision about what your next product line should be. An anticipation score is a tool that can help you make these types of decisions.

And here’s the why, who and how of it all:
Anticipation scores can help brands decide which of their products will be better accepted in the market and which markets are likely to be more receptive to new products
The main stakeholder who can benefit from an accurate anticipation score is obviously your business. All the “whys” can help you in your decision making process about where to market your product or about the next product line to focus on, and as a result, enhance your sales. Other stakeholders are your users – who will enjoy a product they are interested in and have a need for. This will lead to satisfied users who in return will most likely spread the word about their satisfaction.
The anticipation score can identify which product the market will be more receptive to and can provide insights on the market such as gender, age group, country/region to help aim a brand’s decision making about the types of markets to aim for. It does not predict sales.
YOU define the type of product you are about to launch and the markets you are aiming at. You will need to provide a series of pictures of the new product and similar products. Alternatively, define a general category of products you are considering.
In return, you will receive anticipation scores for the various markets according to the type of product or product category. The scores are based on an in depth image-based scan of blogs, editorials and social media sites across the internet.
YOU can fine tune your business decisions according to the anticipation score.
Sounds interesting? Contact us to learn how we can provide you with anticipation scores!
* Anticipation – The action of anticipating something; expectation or prediction. (Oxford Living Dictionary )