How to Insure Your Marketing Strategy from Day One


Planning Your Marketing Strategy: Where to Start?

So you’re ready to launch a new product. Boost a service. Announce a partnership. Sponsor an event. Sign an Ambassador. Whatever you want to communicate – you need a plan. Basically, you need a kick-ass marketing strategy to efficiently and successfully get your message out there.
But where are you going to start? And how is it going to look like? Whatever you plan to do, visuals will definitely be part of your language. 
Using visual content to communicate today is a no-brainer speaking in visuals is the marketing language du jour. So in order to have a bulletproof marketing strategy, it’s critical to start with powerful visual content to kick off your on-message branding.

Ta-da! Visual content created. Now what?

So now that you’ve invested time and energy in creating this wowser visual content, you can sit back and wait for your next burst of creativity. Actually, no. You’re not finished yet. 
So what’s next? Where do you store this visual content? Who can use it and find it in your storage system? Where will it be published? Once its published, how do you measure its impact?
marketing strategy
Here we’ll explore the lifecycle of visual content: create, store, publish, measure. Once it’s created, what’s the best way to manage its storage? And once it’s published, what’s the best way to measure its success?

A Kick Ass Marketing Strategy Starts With Efficient Media Management

To keep up with the ever-increasing demand for visual content, there’s a wide range of storage systems that help organize it efficiently. Here we’ll take a closer look at Digital Asset Management (DAM) products, but the case can be applied to a number of digital storage systems.

“If only images were made of text…Searching for them would be so much easier!”

How often do you hear this? Where’s the easy button’ to help with the massive challenge of making visual content as discoverable and as productive as possible? While it’s true that a picture is worth a thousand words, whoever said that was never responsible for inputting that picture’s metadata. 
Assigning textual metadata to images is tedious, thankless, but absolutely necessary work. The metadata helps visual content become discoverable within DAM products, as all use traditional text-based search methods.
marketing strategy

Automating Media Management

This is where image recognition technology can form a natural partnership with Digital Asset Management systems. The complimentary capabilities help save an enormous amount of time and energy spent on metadata application and asset retrieval. Let’s look at some below:
  • Visual Search identifies the same or similar images, while removing unwanted images and duplications.

Think of a hotel chain that, in anticipation of summer holiday bookings, want to display images of their best properties that feature swimming pools. Using just one hero image, Visual Search will showcase all images that have swimming pools in them, that resemble the similar visual style of the original hero shot.

Suggested auto-tagging labels and classifies visual content automatically, potentially saving days, if not weeks of manually applying metadata to files. What’s more, the quicker the visual content is tagged, the quicker it can be accessed by all users. This is a win-win for all involved.
  • Facial search and recognition technology identifies faces within images, searches for similar faces across your collection, obtains demographic data, and can find specific people within large image collections.
Imagine a company that wants to identify and tag its brand ambassador across their large image library. This single facial recognition capability alone is a game-changer for PR and marketing agencies in managing their talent across large image collections.  

Don’t Rush Your Marketing Strategy Planning

Many brands today create visual content based on the latest design scheme and push it out to market, while remaining oblivious to how customers and prospects perceive their hard work. If more than 80% of branded content has no direct mention of the brand itself, then how can we measure its success?
In this way, most images are missed by traditional text-based analytics, leaving your company out of your own visual conversation. Image recognition technology applied by PicScout’s Insights for Business monitors your visual content analyzes its impact, engagement and reach. It provides insights that can help develop new growth engines, customize product innovation, build brand loyalty, and evaluate the ROI of brand ambassadors.
The lifecycle of visual content, if managed and measured with PicScout, turns your images from simple communicators into measurable, actionable assets.

Purim Partying @ PicScout

Purim Company Culture

Purim is the Jewish festival known for a party atmosphere  it takes us all back to childhood with costumes, gift-giving and merry-making. But who says it’s just for kids? 

It’s traditionally a one-day affair. But as it’s always a good time to party and with spring in the air, it’s become customary to celebrate all week long. Our week leading up to Purim was packed with practical jokes, stuffed toys, mountains of chocolate and yummy treats. Our annual secret gift exchange event, ‘Gamad V’Anak’ (translated to ‘Dwarf and the Giant’, ie the Israeli version of ‘Secret Santa’), inspired creative riddles and cheeky shenanigans as clues about the identity of each person’s gift-giver. 

Toblerone Tableau

Toblerone Tableau


Picture Party with Pikachu

Picture Party with Pikachu


Gift exchange

Final gift exchange where everyone’s ‘Anaks’ (Giants) were revealed!


Purim was a great opportunity for the team to get together and have fun. There’s nothing like coming to work dressed as Pikachu.



Visual Impact of French Presidential Candidates [Infographic]

Measuring your brand’s visual impact requires the analysis of both visibility and engagement with one’s online presence. In the case of France’s newsworthy presidential elections, the candidates’ visual chatter often corresponds to their actual popularity together with the dominating news piece of the day.

Unsurprisingly, Marine Le Pen dominates both the visual presence and engagement as she emerges as the front runner.  François Fillon and Emmanuel Macron are close second and third, respectively. What is interesting is that Fillon’s engagement rate outnumbers his visual presence, highlighting that despite his corruption charges, he is still quite popular with his support base.


Visual Impact

Insights include:

Marine Le Pen dominates the visual chatter – which is to be expected of the current front runner. By far the most divisive politician in the race she is arguably the most popular, as her political personality and pedigree regularly attracts the attention of the French media. Riding the wave of anti-establishment resentment, Le Pen’s recent rise in the polls followed a bout of rioting over police brutality. Le Pen’s visual chatter was further boosted by her refusal to wear a hijab when meeting with Lebanon’s Grand Mufti.

Despite corruption charges, the former ‘Mr Clean’ François Fillon has kept up his popularity and engagement among his support base. His visual chatter skyrocketed during the ‘fake jobs’ scandal in January, but now his visual presence is fading as French prosecutors open an official probe into the allegations. He refuses to stand down, and we can see why. Those same charges also increase his visual presence as he’s a news cycle regular.  

Also reflecting the polls, Emmanuel Macron’s visual chatter and engagement is steady in third place. As the centrist Macron took the lead in the opinion polls in early February, he became the target of a gay ‘smear campaign’ that increased his visual chatter exponentially. Later that month, he struggled to get his campaign back on track after his controversial remarks on France’s colonial record and gay marriage, provoking outrage on both the right and the left.His visual presence is currently buttressed by his complaints over an anti-Semitic depiction published by his rival, Fillon.

Whether the candidates’ visual impact indicates their results, only time will tell. This election may be full of surprises – which can measured by the visual impact of the candidates in their run for President. Stay tuned.

What is Visual Search? Learn image recognition basics with PicScout

What’s visual search? And why is it so popular? 

In today’s image-driven world, it’s getting more and more difficult to find specific products using a text query.
Say you spot something you really love, but you don’t know how to find it or what it’s even called: visual search lets you find all those things you don’t have the words to describe. Think of it as a Search Engine that allows you to easily access, organize, or recommend your images or products by visual similarity.
It’s the logical next step, as it stops the keyword guessing game to find that photo, drawing, art piece, map, or blueprint in an instant. It’s a natural application to eCommerce, but it doesn’t stop there.
With the snap of a camera, manufacturers can use the technology as a tool to identify the components of their inventory. Publishers, meanwhile, can use Visual Search to source quality visual content from their photo libraries. And Digital Asset Management (DAM) software can incorporate Visual Search capabilities to organize and curate their customers’ content visually.

Visual Search: helping you find all those things you don’t have the words to describe. 

Get on board and see here how it can apply to your business. 


Visual Search 101

Visual Search stops the keyword guessing game to find that photo, drawing, art piece, map, or blueprint in an instant.

Change the way you and your customers search: contact us today to discuss PicScout’s powerful and scalable Visual API.


Visibility In Digital Marketing: Where Are All The Women?

For International Women’s Day, we were concerned with the visibility of women specifically the visibility of women in the highest echelons of business and education. That’s the nucleus of shifting cultural attitudes, and we were curious whether visuals match reality when it comes to the digital marketing of these companies. Whether what we see is really what we get.
And this can be applied to all businesses: what do the images displayed on an organization’s website say about its brand? How does the visual content of their digital marketing efforts mirror reality? And does it reflect the organization’s internal machinations?
So we put our ‘Insights for Business’ to the test: we scanned each website of each Fortune 500 company and the world’s top 50 universities to measure the visibility of women as part of their online brand. This would give us insights into the visual presence of each organization.
Using artificial intelligence-driven computer vision, we applied our ‘People Analysis’ tool to the hundreds of thousands of images we measured. Some of its capabilities includes identifying faces within images and obtaining demographic data (age, gender, ethnicity) of those people within the images.
The results are…
after the infographic!


Digital Marketing


The results are surprising in a good way. Women feature in 40% of all images that have people in them. Not bad for a demographic which was once near-invisible in business marketing material.

What is also surprising is that the results for both the Fortune 500 companies and the top universities are EXACTLY THE SAME! (Do you think they aimed for a 40:60 ratio of images to feature women? Is that the new corporate branding? Some questions for you to think about at home.)

Not only are the results of both Fortune 500 companies and the top universities exactly the same, but results of leadership WITHIN these organizations also have similarities. 

While women CEOs make up 5.4% of the Fortune 500 companies, 20% of available board seats are filled by women.  Conversely in the academic sphere, 20% of the top 50 universities worldwide are led by women. Yet there is much debate as to the alleged weighted distribution among tenured faculty and full professors.

One thing is for sure: women are not so invisible any longer — at least not online.

Contact us for more information on how ‘Insights for Business’ can help your brand.

Why is Brand Value So Important on Oscar Night?

There’s nothing like live TV. Predictions and controversies are all part of the show, folks. It’s what makes the Oscars’ brand value soar. For three years in a row, the front-runner has lost on Oscar night. ‘La La Land’ also lost in one of the biggest and ultra-bizarre Oscar upsets ever. 

What does that say about brand value? The films’ brands? The Oscar brand? And does a film’s visual buzz have sway on the actual winners themselves? In analyzing the visual chatter of the 2017 Oscar nominees, we weren’t too far off the mark. 

 Brand Value

Winners Picked Correctly 

Best Supporting Actor: Mahershala Ali
Best Supporting Actress: Viola Davis
Best Actress: Emma Stone.
Best Picture: La La Land… for 45 seconds, at least.

Winners We Missed and Why (Analyzing Real vs, Projected Brand Value)

Best Actor: Ryan Gosling Casey Affleck 
In terms of visual presence, Ryan Gosling is one of the strongest celebrity brands in Hollywood. His age, good looks and choice of personable roles all have contributed to his popularity across the web and social media. Starring in ‘La La Land’, the season’s front-runner film and opposite the Best Actress’ favorite Emma Stone, increased his visual chatter exponentially.
Casey Affleck’s visual presence is another story. Casey has famously eschewed the Hollywood lifestyle, admitting he isn’t super keen on all the attention that comes with awards season. His role in the critically-acclaimed film ‘Manchester by the Sea’ is a turning point for a career marred by small parts in forgettable films and years of playing second fiddle to his older brother, Ben. As the tabloids dissect the Oscar ceremony, many of them are asking, Casey who?” This win goes against the trend, as life sometimes turns out that way. See Best Picture’ category case in point.
Best Picture: La La Land Moonlight
In perhaps the most unbelievable ending to an Oscar ceremony, ‘La La Land’ was awarded the Academy Award for best picture, a mistake that was eventually corrected to honor the actual winner, ‘Moonlight’. It seems the nostalgic musical’s hype and visual dominance caught up to itself, and with ‘La La Land’s loss, one thing becomes clear: you don’t want to be the early Oscar front-runner. For three years in a row, the front-runner has lost on Oscar night. What’s more, ‘La La Land’ lost in one of the biggest and ultra-bizarre Oscar upsets ever. Nevertheless, they handled the unusual situation with grace and humility.
But what about ‘Moonlight’, the little film that could? It doesn’t star any household names, its director had only directed one other unheard-of feature film, and its budget was a low $1.6 million,  (by contrast, ‘La La Land’ was shot for $30 million).  It wasn’t selling out theaters or breaking box office records and its visual buzz before the Oscars was trailing behind both ‘La La Land’ and ‘Hidden Figures’. Some interpreted the win as a political message, while others thought it was a nod towards inclusivity. Whatever the pundits reflect, it’s definite that this year, more than ever, the Best Picture contest seems to double as a referendum on America’s cultural conscience. 

And the award goes to…

Innovative branding. While ‘La La Land’ enjoyed a hugely successful marketing push from the get-go, ‘Moonlight”s performances and strategic positioning led them to being considered the leading runner-up in the Best Picture category—a huge coup for a low-budget film about a confronting subject
And with regards to the Best Actor award, visual buzz can only take your brand value so far. Substance often conquers style: if it holds up and is innovative in its expression. This won’t be the last we hear of Casey Affleck (or Casey who?).
From the lens here at PicScout, we understand the importance of strong brand value: the Oscar brand, the Oscar nominee brand, and the brand of the winner. If last night’s events are anything to go by, it’s that independent movie marketers can learn a few things on how better to capitalize on the Oscar brand to enhance their client’s brand value.

How To Ace Media Monitoring Like A Boss: Oscars Edition

What if the Oscars were determined by the amount of images online of each nominee? Analyzing an actor’s visibility is a precursor to media monitoring their presence — and for this year’s Oscars awards, we did exactly that. 
 media monitoring
This year’s Oscars is a tight race, with outstanding performances being outplayed by heavy promotion efforts. Trending actors predicted to win have a visual buzz  the number of images often correlates with their fandom, media support, and various marketing strategies by the film’s producers, their agency, and others.
So we asked ourselves, does visual presence affect the eventual winners of the 88th Academy Awards? How would it affect the voters’ perception of each actor, each category? Are the awards based on merit, politics, or marketing?  As the voting by members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences closed on Tuesday, we applied some image-based media monitoring and tallied the results for the Most Visual Performer Award.
 media monitoring

Best Supporting Actor:

It’s a tight race between Mahershala Ali (Moonlight) and Dev Patel (Lion): both would make Oscar history if they take home an Academy Award next week. Patel would become the first actor of Indian descent to win an acting Oscar or Ali would be the first Muslim to win an acting Oscar.
Ali was considered the favorite after winning a Screen Actors Guild award for his role in Moonlight, but now Anglo-Indian Patel has joined the front of the race following his BAFTA victory for Lion.
Winner of PicScout’s Most Visual Performer Award (Supporting Actor): Mahershala Ali

Best Supporting Actress:

It’s widely assumed that the versatile Viola Davis will take home the Oscar this year, since scooping up nearly every other award in the season for her moving performance in Fences. By media monitoring her presence, her visual buzz leading up to the Academy Awards is close to 40% nearly double that of the runner-up, Nicole Kidman. 
Winner of PicScout’s Most Visual Performer Award (Supporting Actress): Viola Davis, no competition.
media monitoring 

Best Actor:

Visually, it’s a battle of the heartthrobs Ryan Gosling (La La Land) and Andrew Garfield (Hacksaw Ridge) are in close sights for the Most Visual Performer Award. While neither of them are considered to be serious contenders for the Academy Awards, both of them are closely linked to the visual favorite of the awards season Emma Stone. Gosling was her La La Land co-star and Garfield has been her on-again, off-again partner for over 7 years. With today’s clickbait celebrity obsession, their visual presence while media monitoring isn’t so surprising.
What is surprising is how they compare to the low image results of the two actual contenders for the award Denzel Washington (Fences) and Casey Affleck (Manchester By The Sea). 
Winner of PicScout’s Most Visual Performer Award (Best Actor): Ryan Gosling, thanks to Emma Stone and swooning fans.

Best Actress:

Emma Stone. Emma Stone. Emma Stone. La La Land’s lead actress dominates the visual buzz surrounding the 89th Academy Awards: she takes up 50% of the images found in her category of Best Actress (runner-up Natalie Portman was next in line with 21%). In more comprehensive media monitoring, Stone also featured in a fifth of all images found of every nominee across lead/supporting actor/actress categories in 2017. Our money, as well as those from the La La Land team, is on her.
Winner of PicScout’s Most Visual Performer Award (Best Actress): Emma Stone.

Best Film:

La La Land has been the Oscars front-runner since its release it tugs on the heartstrings and nostalgia of Academy voters with music, color and Hollywood dreams. Its visual dominance across the web and social media peaked at the start of the awards season and as front-runner backlash” kicked in, its visual presence decreased as it neared tonight’s Oscars ceremony. Still, La La Land will take both the Academy Award and PicScout’s Most Visual Performing Film award its the kind of movie that awards bodies absolutely love.
Winner of PicScout’s Most Visual Performing Film: La La Land could it be anything else?


There are thousands more images of our Best Actresses and Best Supporting Actresses than their male counterparts. 

Images courtesy:

Viola Davis, Emma Stone, Andrew Garfield © Gage Skidmore

Mahershala Ali, Dev Patel ©  Gordon Correll

Nicole Kidman © Eva Rinaldi

Ryan Gosling ©  Georges Biard

Natalie Portman © Josh Jensen




Can Image Recognition Technology Help NBA Stars?

Celebrating NBA’s All-Star Weekend, we’ve put our Visual Insights to the test and held our own MVP awards for the Most Visual Player online. Using our image recognition technology, include our facial recognition capabilities, we compared images found across both traditional and social media and have showcased our top three winners below.

These men play a high-level game with millions of dollars-worth of responsibilities to the NBA and their sponsoring brands. A number of factors influence a brand-ambassador’s visual presence, and however carefully curated it may be, the player’s skills and organic support from fans has a decisive influence.

image recognition

In applying image recognition technology to measure their visual presence, NBA teams, sponsors and the players themselves can be privy to a range a range of opportunities including:

    • brand metrics
    • untapped market sectors
    • influencer marketing
    • evalutating the ROI of these brand ambassadors 



Images courtesy:

  1. LeBron James © Martin Ellis
  2. Kevin Durant ©  Leonard Zhukovsky 
  3. Steph Curry © natursports Interview with CEO Uri Lavi

Below is a translated copy of PicScout’s CEO Uri Lavi discussing Visual DNA, visual content analysis and artificial intelligence with Israel’s leading business publication, Globes.

Hebrew link here.  

Globes Interview Uri Lavi


To learn more about Uri’s vision, check out his Medium profile for the latest articles, and contact us to discuss your company’s Visual DNA.